
The spare parts produced and/or supplied by the affiliate companies of Maritech Group Holding Limited, are equivalent, fully interchangeable spares for marine and industrial. The Company uses its own means, methods, and drawings for the production of the spare parts without infringing any patents or designs of any third party. The company uses only improved methods, drawings, techniques and materials for the production, quality control and testing of the spare parts.

Any trademark, trade name or distinctive title of third-party manufacturers that may appear at the Company’s website is used only for reasons of products’ compatibility and cross-reference and not for commercial purposes or unfair competition, without infringing any intellectual property rights of the holders.

Trademark Use

Maritech Group Holding Ltd. and its affiliates, have registered the word and figurative trademark “MARITECH” as a Hong Kong, EU and Singapore Trademark. The trademark is property of the company and no other third party has the right to use it in any manner, including, without limitation, use in commerce as a trademark, trade name or other designation of origin, unless the company lawfully grants the license for such a use. The licensees shall use the trademark only within the terms of the license agreement, any other use is considered as an infringement.